Today is my second "Blogiversary" and tomorrow is Valentines Day! Two reasons for celebration! Valentines Day is celebrated around the world, but it is not always about romantic love. In some countries such as Finland it is more about honoring and remembering friends, which is what I'm doing today! I cannot believe I've been blogging for two years- and
still finding things to say! I so appreciate you, dear readers and loyal followers, for sticking with me and giving me your love, support and encouragement through your kind comments. A special thanks to my friend Gail who got me into this in the first place, and to fellow bloggers for helping me when I had a problem or question- Marie, Gwen, Karen, and no doubt several others.... And so today I'm sending you all lots of
hearts and kisses. Thank you for following along and I hope you'll hang in there with me for another year...
Peace and Love

It doesn't matter where you go in life, what you do, or how much you have... it's who you have beside you.
Perhaps I flatter myself in thinking I am the "Karen" you mention (as I know you are friends with another Karen as well!)...but regardless, I sincerely enjoy reading your blog. It's one of the few I have on my reader list. I like your insights, I enjoy your perspective on both quilty and non-quilty topics, I admire your skills, and I LOVE your photographs. I am most certainly in for another year.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.
Karen N, I am indeed referring to you!! Thanks for your help, advice and friendship in the past, and here's to friendship in the days and years to come. We must get together again soon, I know you still have thread (and honey?) for me...
Congratulations on your second anniversary! Isn't blogging fun!!!
Congrats on two years of blogging!
I have really enjoyed the chance to get to know you a bit better through your blog. Love the recipees and pictures as well of course, as the quilts. Looking forward to seeing you at guild tomorrow. Linda G
A lovely sentiment. Congratulations on your blogversary. How did you know about the Finland anecdote? I ask because my background is Finnish.
Oh my, has it been two years already. Wow, Congratulations. I really enjoy all your photography. You have a keen eye. And I really enjoy the recipes you put on. I've tried many of them.
I can't believe where the time has gone.
Congrats on two years! That is a lot of posts. Cheers for more! I really like browsing other NB blogs like yours and seeing what's going on in other parts of the province.
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