Two fabrics are layered with a fusible web and Timtex or Flexi-firm between, before the leaf shape is cut out. The "bowl" is shaped by stitching up the four V shaped "darts"with a zigzag stitch. Addition of a stem is optional. Then the outer edges are satin-stitched. Simple as that! Here are several tips - I find it easiest to close the "darts" and stitch all around edges with a simple zigzag stitch first,then go around a second time with a closer zigzag/satin stitch. I find you get bet

If your Guild has not considered making some of these bowls, please encourage them to do so. They are not at all difficult, and the Quilt Ontario Local Organizing Committee will appreciate your contribution to the success of Q.O. 2011. The pattern is available by contacting Christine Rachar at christine.rachar@rogers.com . Leaf bowls must be sent by end of March, so you still have time! I have stitched two bowls, and hope to do a few more before the deadline, to "up" our Guild's donation - we currently have 19 ready to go.
Edit: Thanks to Dolores for reminding me that the pattern and instructions for the Leaf Bowl are also available in the recent Spring 2011 issue of the Canadian Quilter, pages 14-16.
Come back tomorrow for Blue Monday and another blue finish...
Any day spent sewing is a good day!
The fabric bowls are sweet and thanks for those tips. I think the designer, Jill Buckly is the Quilt Rat, isn't she. If she is, she also designed the logo for Quilt Ontario this year. She's a talented lady.
Gail M.
The pattern is also in the Canadian Quilters Association newsletter/magazine. Our guild is making them too.
I got mine down and our guild is doing the same... I am going to my first NJS ever, well, first CQA event ever and am sooo excited... finally able to meet those people I met online when I first signed up as regional rep all those years ago=)
Gail, I'm not familiar with Jill or the "Quilt Rat", but yes Jill did also design the Logo for Quilt Ontario.
Dolores is correct- the pattern and instructions for the Leaf Bowls is also available in the Canadian Quilter, Spring 2011 issue, pages 14-16.
Jackie, you will have a blast at QO. It's always a great event and such a good opportunity to meet up with lots of friends, old and new
What lovely leaf bowls!! I'm sure they were a hit at the conference.
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