You just never know who might drop in for a surprise visit around here... Look who was sitting enjoying the sun high in a tree next door a few minutes ago...Wow! I am still speechless. He was so majestic. I could not believe the neighbourhood crows - they obviously don't have half a brain between them all - they were harassing him, and one even dive-bombed him twice!! Guess they didn't stop to think (duh!) that he could easily have had any of them for a nice little snack... I quickly snapped some photos from our driveway, in my slippers and shirtsleeves, but I was behind him. I came in because it was so cold, never figuring he'd stay long enough for me to get dressed properly and head back out. But when hubby came in 10 minutes later and said he was still there I got coat, hat and boots on and headed back out, walking next door for a closer view. I'm so glad I did. He was a good 35 feet over my head - I LOVE my telephoto lens... He stayed long enough for me to get a few good shots before he flew off, heading back to the river.
What an amazing few moments with nature. An experience like this changes your whole day....

"I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright." ~ Henry David Thoreau
I love the third picture; he's really focusing on something. Amazing. Im doing up study notes for my Canadian class and we're in the nature section right now -- this fits in beautifully! <3
Great pictures. When we go down the river near our house, we see a pair of them. I want to get a good picture of their nest one of these days
Aren't they majestic! We have lots of bald eagles around here in the summer - I guess they go out to the coast in winter. The ravens hassle them quite a bit. I always think it is weird but the eagles never seem to go after the ravens. Ravens are pretty huge birds up here; maybe that's why. Or maybe the eagles just know that ravens are garbage eaters and won't taste too good. Great pictures that you managed to get.
Be sure to keep a close eye on Oliver if he ventures outside. Eagles only eat live food and they will swoop down on anything they think they can carry.
Sandra, don't worry, Ollie is an indoor kitty.
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