Here it is
Blue Monday once again. I am sharing some more garden photos with you today, for if you are like me, you are getting just a teensy bit tired of winter. When I look out at my gardens, they are under feet of snow and the only blooms I can see, blue or otherwise, are in my mind. Instead I am looking at blue shadows on the snow. Let's just hope that little groundhog forecaster was right and spring is soon on it's way... I can't wait to once again be enjoying these
Chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-snow). They are one of my favourite spring bloomers - they just seem so cheerful! So I hope you will enjoy these blue blossoms below, and I hope they warm you up! They are, in descending order, Myosotis (Forget-me-not), Iris, Campanula (Harebell) with dragonfly visitor, Clematis, Echinops (Globe Thistle), Veronica (Speedwell) and Platycodon (Balloon flower).

"Blue thou art, intensely blue; Flower, whence came thy dazzling hue?" ~ James Montgomery
There is something about the colour blue. It is my favourite, my eyes are grey-blue but when I wear blue, they are more intensely blue. Wonderful photos - spring will come.
LOVE your photographs, Linda - especially the dragon fly. The flowers you call Glory of the Snow I've always heard called "squills"; nice to know their real name.
Karen, Squill are something different - their proper name is Scilla and if you look at my previous Blue Monday post (Jan.31) the top photo on the right- those are Squills. They are part of the Hyacinth family. A very intense blue- I LOVE them too! Their little faces hang down, where Chionodoxa face up and have white centers. Both very cheery after a long winter...
You are so knowledgeable! Thanks for the info, especially interesting to know they are related to Hyacinth which are one of my favourites.
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