If you are out celebrating tonight, please pass over the car keys to someone else and get yourself home safely. As for me, I'll lik
At the request of one of my readers, here is the recipe for Turkey Broccoli Braid that I mentioned yesterday. This recipe came from a Pampered Chef party a number of years ago. It's a great way to use up leftover roasted chicken or turkey. Basically it's a salad-type mixture of chicken or turkey baked in a Pillsbury crescent dough crust. Quick, easy and yummy...
Turkey Broccoli Braid
2 cups cooked chicken or turkey, chopped
1 cup fresh broccoli, chopped fairly small
1/2 cup chopped red pepper
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup mayonnaise (I use Miracle Whip)
1 clove garlic, pressed or minced
1 teaspoon dried dillweed
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 pkgs. refrigerated crescent rolls
1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons slivered almonds
Preheat oven to 375F. Chop chicken or turkey, broccoli and red pepper. Place in mixing bowl along with grated cheese. In a smaller bowl, combine mayo, garlic, salt and dill. Stir well to blend. Add dressing to turkey mixture, stirring well to coat.
Open and unroll 1 pkg. of crescent rolls along length of your largest cook
Spread filling evenly lengthwise down the "middle" of your dough. Now on each side of filling, cut dough horizontally into strips about 1-1.5 inches wide, stopping an inch or so from the filling. Lift one strip on each side across filling to meet in center, and twist together one "turn". Continue down the length of braid until all filling is covered with strips of dough; tuck ends up to form a rim at each end. Brush egg white over dough using pastry brush and sprinkle with almonds. Bake about
** After making this several times, I decided there was a bit too much crust for my liking. Now when I add the second pkg of dough, I cut off a lengthwise strip of almost half the second pkg. I roll this up and just make several smaller crescent rolls from it, baking them at the same time. I like it better with a bit less crust, but try it with the full 2 pkgs and see how you like it.
Here is another recipe you might like to try if you still have some turkey left. I have no photos for this one as I have not made it this year, but it is quick, easy and yummy too- Curried Turkey Pate. It's great with crackers if you are entertaining, or just for your own enjoyment.
Curried Turkey Pate
2 cups chopped cooked turkey
1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup mango chutney
1 - 2 tsp. curry powder (to taste)
Whiz turkey in food processor to cut up finely. Cream softened cream cheese, add all other ingds., mix well. Make at least one day ahead. Keep in fridge. Will freeze well too.
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
Thanks for the recipes, Linda. They both look yummy! Must try...
Thanks for the recipe, I had tried one like it a Pampered Chef, but it was done in a ring.very good!! Happy New Year to you and yours,Amy
Happy New Year Linda, thanks for the recipes.
They look yummy. I took the last of my turkey and made pot pies. My leftover ham went into pea soup today for tomorrows dinner.
We are off to dinner with friends and then back here for a relaxing evening.
Happy New Year Linda, here is to a new year of stitching.... and not pricking your fingers!!
Hmmm, looks yummy. I wonder if I could pull that braid off? Must try on our next turkey.
Happy New Year Linda,
Yes, I had ment to ask you about the Turkey Braid earlier.. I'm glad you posted. We had a turkey pot pie yesterday. But the good news is that I have another two cups of chopped turkey frozen and I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks and Happy New Year!
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