Another one down! This afternoon was our Ladies Choir Christmas Concert, and it went very well. Our two directors are so wonderful and it is such a thrill to sing under their leadership. We currently have about 125 members, but for various reasons (primarily illness) I think there were only about 110 there today for the performance. But you can just imagine- 110 voices- when we do "let loose" with the volume... well let's just say no one in the audience fell asleep! These two photos were taken by DD Laura with my camera, during our pre-concert warmup- there are still 20 or so missing from the group at this point. So picture 20 more bodies in there and you can see that we are "pretty close". Our special guests this year were a local elementary school's boys choir - the cutest little boys, Grades 3-5, dressed in white shirts and bow ties....
For me, music is one of the best parts of Christmas. I love the traditional carols, as well as the new songs we hear at th

is time of year. And today was a very special day. We, the choir, enjoy it every bit as much as the audience does. Thanks to all my friends who attended. It makes it more special to be singing to people you love...
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
~ Aldous Huxley
1 comment:
As all the others, it was a wonderful concert. My favorite piece was the Fa la la song and all the different ways you can sing Fa la la la.... It was cute. The Boys Choir was really special too. Love to see kids in music.
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