STITCH LINES...... Ramblings on life as a quilter, stitcher, traveler, photographer, gardener and lover of books, cats and fine chocolate....

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How does your garden grow.. Part 2...

As promised yesterday, here are a few more garden pics.. my hostas are coming along quite nicely.. this bed looks beautiful in mid-summer when it has a little more color. I put clumps of impatiens in between the hostas to brighten it up and add a little punch! I usually go with all shades of pinks, burgundies and violets (I'm a pink gal as opposed to red..). I'd love to eventually remove a few of the hostas that are the same and replace them with other varieties so every one is different. Not this year... I have a pretty good variety now, with everything from a miniature to several with huge leaves- probably 15" across. Three years ago I bought one called T-Rex; it comes with the promise of gigantic leaves. It was a young plant so has taken a while to "grow into it's name". I'm hopeful that this year it will start to live up to it's reputation... My bleeding heart seems to be dying out. The last few years it has been absolutley huge, this year it is less than a quarter of it's usual size. Maybe our long winter "did it in"... a number of gardening friends have lost bushes, shrubs, etc...

One last tulip photo to share with you. These are in a small bed on the side of our property- formerly my Mother's tulip bed.. she planted these years ago and they bloom well every year. Many tulips seem to lose strength and do not bloom as well after the first few years, but not these beauties. I think they were called Rembrandt tulips?
The Flowering Crab is one of my favourite flowering trees - I love May/June with the forsythia, apple and crab blossoms, and now the lilacs and rhododendrons will be next. Our rhodo is not going to be spectacular this year: there aren't many buds....the crows have once again cleaned off most of the flower buds. A rhododendron sets next spring's flower buds in late summer/fall. We discovered a few years ago, when we had a particularly long cold winter and late spring, that the crows had eaten off most of the buds. So now we cover it with netting every year to deter them, when we wrap it with burlap for the winter for protection from the winter winds, but I guess they have that figured out too, as they seem to have cleaned it once again.. darn crows - they are SO smart. I wish they would find something else to feast on....
Here's another plant I have in bloom right now - Solomon's Seal. It's graceful stems arch with these little creamy-white "bellflowers" edged in green. Later on it will have blue-black berries. Normally considered a shade plant, mine gets a lot of sun and is thriving! I think I'll cut a piece off later on this summer and plant it in one corner of my hosta bed..
In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful. ~Abram L. Urban

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