I'm late getting to this post - it was such a gorgeous day - a few degrees above zero with lots of sunshine- you can really feel the sun strengthening - it feels soooo good!! Anyway, I just had to spend some time outside, taking it all in. The snow is slowly melting- sounds so great to hear that water running down the side of the street!! Tonight I had Choir practice, so just now getting to the computer....

So- I promised to show you my next Crazy Quilting project. I have another stocking pieced - well actually it's been done for quite some time, but I'm just getting back to it now. Since my other stocking is done in darker colors, I thought I should do a light one, so chose creams, ivories, pinks, roses and a bit of plummy mauve.... the colors were "inspired" by the length of ribbon you see on the lower right side, plus a print that is used in the stocking. I find that works very well- to choose a print you like, then draw your colors from that print. So that's what I've done. You'll notice that I have used very few prints. I find some poeple use too many prints when CQ'ing. The fabric base is really just that- a base, on which you will add a lot of embellishments. Why spend a lot of time doing embroidery, if it will not show up - and that is what happens with too many prints - all the handwork you do does not show to advantage. So I use mainly solids and textures, and only a few prints.
I try to stick with lightweight fabrics as well. Using thicker fabrics like drapery weights, heavy velvets, etc. just is not worth the trouble you will have when you try to do handwork through it. It can become very difficult to push a needle through, and some of your threads and ribbons, especially silks, will wear quickly, with all the pulling through heavy fabrics. Remember you are going through your muslin base, your fabric, and in many cases several layers of your fabric because of seam allowances.
I leave several inches of muslin around the edge of my CQ piece, so I can hoop it if I choose.

Tomorrow I will talk a bit about laces and trims which is what I add first. You can see I have already added a piece of tatting near the toe, one piece of lace near top and one piece of ribbon on the lower right.
I think my favourite part of working on a CQ piece is the embroidery. I just love threads - here are some of the threads I will probably use on this stocking. This is by no means all, nor will I necessarily use every one of these. But I always start out by gathering "all the possibilities". Then they're all together for me to pick from. As you can see, my favourites are cottons and silks. I'll talk about these a bit more in a few days...... stay tuned....
Itchin ' to be stitchin'....