Well, it's all over but the groaning... yep - turkey overload! lol It's been a very lazy day here, I think the most energetic thing I've done, other than make supper (leftover turkey
of course) was to have a few long chats on the phone with good friends and a faraway cousin. I have my nose right into a very good book and that's where you'll find me for the next few days if I'm lucky. I'm usually pretty exhausted by the time Dec. 25th rolls around so there's not much on my agenda for the next few days, except lots of R and R (with good book in hand.) I came across a new word not long ago that pretty much sums up how I'm feeling:
exhaustipated - that's "too tired to give a sh*t".
Looking across the street this afternoon |
We are still getting snow!! Can you believe it?! I think it has snowed or "precipitated" in some form every day now for well over a week. The snow is piling up like crazy- the banks where areas have been plowed are as high as they usually are by winter's end. If this is an indication of what we're in for all winter, we are in big trouble. You're all going to have to come here with big shovels in hand to dig us out!! I haven't left the house today, except to stand at the back door onto our deck to snap a few quick shots. I will get out tomorrow with camera in hand, so you can see what I mean... And we have yet another storm system moving in for the weekend.. joy oh joy. Well at least maybe I'll get this book finished! We did see some sun yesterday for awhile (see photo above), I'm wondering how long before we'll see it again...
Backyard late this afternoon |
Oliver has been his usual entertaining self this Christmas- he is just like a child- he gets SO excited! He pushes the limits on being naughty too... snooping in gifts, pulling off bows and chewing on the ribbon and the odd corner of a wrapped gift here and there... He located his hidden catnip ball with no trouble at all.. He has a VERY good "sniffer"... I tried to tell him Santa Paws would not come to kitties who snoop and find their gifts but he paid no attention... I think after all the excitement yesterday, he too has enjoyed the quiet restful day today.. he's been napping (and snoring!) most of the day. Just call us "Boxing Day Lazy".
It's been great to have the kids home - Ollie loves all the extra love and attention!! Laura has gone back today, as she returns to work tomorrow. Mark is home for a while yet. Merry Christmas from our "three" kids!
And "my" two girls.. Laura with cousin Mallory |
"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." ~Agnes M. Pharo
LOL...that's a great new word, Linda.
The photos are so pretty to me because I do not see that EVER! Leaving for Philly tomorrow but still NO snow in the forecast until the day I leave to return to Florida's humidity.
Beautiful photos of your kids and amazing snow pics! I'm reading more right now and trying to enjoy my home before it gets packed up. (I just finished a book last night and have a new one to start today) Sweet hugs!
I'm just getting around to visit a few blog friends, Linda. It's been a busy 3 days here. We went to Hampton for Christmas dinner on the terrible roads then yesterday my siblings and their kids etc. came here on even worse roads. Way too much snow!! Although it is very pretty out there. It's nice to see a photo of your kids. :) Enjoy the lull between the storms. We are going to try to have our "Christmas" music night on Sunday. Third time is the charm they say. lol
So nice to read about your holiday celebrations, especially like the photo of your kids (and) Oliver. Don't you just love all this white stuff! Although a nuisance, your pics of the snow-laden neighbourhood are beautiful. Looking forward to more winter scenes next time. Happy New Year and get lots of rest while you can. Lucy
We had snow all day Christmas and boxing day ourselves. I think we've had more up to now than some past years in total.
I go into a lazy mode myself after Christmas and have been settling down with a good book.
The cats and dogs sure do pick up on the excitement, don't they?
Boxing day lazy...I love it! A perfect choice of words. Isn't it great to have the kids come home?
Of course Ollie is good company too!
What a beautiful post Linda. Your photos are soooooo beautiful and I especially love the ones of your kitty. Is that a Maine Coon cat? Just beautiful. I miss our kitty and would really love to have another one...we're contemplating that a little while longer.
You have a very lovely family and it looks like, even though you are exhausted, that you had a wonderful holiday together.
As you know we are experiencing the same weather here and it's been a long time since we've had a winter like this. I hope we get a break with this sometime soon.
I started reading a new book also and it feels good just to sit and read for a change and not spend so much time in front of this computer...sometimes it just gets too much and find myself not doing anything else. The one I am reading is written by a Maine author and is a true story of a retired Maine State Trooper. Very entertaining and filled with lots of emotion and laughter. Really enjoying it.
Well I hope you have a Happy and Healthy New Year. We will be celebrating our 27th Wedding anniversary on New Years Day...I'm hoping we'll be able to have a nice dinner out if the weather isn't too bad.
I also wanted to tell you how much I love your quote at the end of your post...so beautifully written and so perfect for the season. Hugs and Love and Blessings - Kathleen
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