This past weekend, the Elm City Guild held their quilt show, titled
Quilts 4 All Seasons. As usual it was an amazing display of work. I popped down on Friday evening, after returning from Amherst. I was tired, and only had an hour before they closed, but I managed to see it all, although I would have liked longer to "linger" over some pieces. It is a shame that our city does not have a good size exhibit space that is reasonably priced for shows like this. With four (yes four!!) Guilds in our area, it would sure be nice to have a spacious well lit space that would be available for a reasonable fee. You can see from these photos, that although they did an incredible job of exhibiting the quilts, and decorating for the 4 seasons, it was pretty crowded. There were many pieces that I just would have liked to see more of! But, all in all, a great show. I heard there were approximately 400 pieces shown. Wow!! Wouldn't you like to know how many total hours of work that represents?? Kudos to ECQG!
This one by Joyce Newman was one of my favourites |
"It is by what we ourselves have done, and not by what others have done for us, that we shall be remembered in after ages." ~ Francis Wyland
What a beautiful show!
I am always amazed at how much work women are getting done out there! That was a LOT of beauty in one place.
400 quilts, that is insanely busy! Thanks for the pics.
Great photos. I really enjoyed the show. I loved the Seasons theme. Those gals did an amazing job. I've yet to pick my favorites from the show, but this week, I'll look at my pictures and post my top 3 or 4 or 5.
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