Not long ago I had the pleasure of attending a delightful Garden Party. It was a hot and humid day and we all thought we would melt but it didn't stop us from enjoying the beautiful gardens or the scrumptious desserts. Each July my friends Barb and George host the most wonderful Garden Party for neighbours and friends. Not only are their gardens spectacular, but Barb knocks herself out for days ahead making the most wonderful desserts - luscious cheesecakes, wonderful pies and cakes, and her specialty Snow Pudding. I feel so fortunate to be invited - it is a Must Attend Event!!
Their gardens are extensive and seem to be at their peak each year for this lovely afternoon. There is always lots of color as the perennial beds put on their best show. With so much variety in the garden it is difficult to pick favourites but I know the rose bed is a favourite with both Barb and George so I thought I'd share some of the photos I took that day of their roses. Perhaps another day I'll share some other garden party photos with you. They live in a beautiful neighbourhood of elegant old Victorian homes - as a child I dreamed of living on this street when I grew up.... For today- take time to enjoy the roses.
"I'd rather have roses on my table, than diamonds on my neck." ~ Emma Goldman
1 comment:
Hi, Linda,
Thank you for all the kind words about the garden and the party. You know that we love to do it and show off! (I always hope that it is more of a "sharing" than showing off)!
The pictures are lovely, and we loved your words, too!
Thansk......Barb and George
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