What are you working on these summer days? Many people do
"Christmas in July" projects; my friend Gail has been making good progress on her Winter Wonderland project, "reporting in" each Sunday through July - you can check it out on her blog
here. Although my intentions were good and I do have several small holiday season sewing/quilting projects awaiting, it just didn't happen. But I HAVE been working away this summer, slowly bu

t surely, on some cross-stitched beaded Santa ornaments- does that count? Thought I'd show you my progress so far, and I'll take another photo at end of August- hopefully these will be finished and perhaps a few more designs done. I have a friend in Ontario who has pleaded for one of these Santas. She has practically promised me the world for a Santa, and since I will be seeing her in early September, I thought I had better get moving. Although she said she'd be happy with whichever one I wanted to do, I would prefer to give her the choice, so am trying to get one of each design done (plus some extras for Christmas giving). The count to date is 4 Santa Clauses, 2 Saint Nicks and 1 San Nicolo- in various stages of completion. Of course I still have the hats to do.... (You can see all five designs if you click on "Beaded Santas" on my sidebar.)
I can hardly believe that this is my 400th post!! Wow- where does the time go? I think that's a good enough reason to ha

ve a little giveaway, don't you ? Leave me a comment on this post and tell me where you live (I'm curious to see where my readers are) and I'll enter you in a draw for a Santa Claus (shown at left). He measures roughly 2.25" wide by 4.25" tall. Tell me if you are a follower or join as a new follower and you'll get a second entry. Scroll to the very bottom of the page to see my Followers and join them! I'll make the draw next Friday evening, August 12th. Don't forget to leave your email or a way to contact you, if you're not a Blogger.
My next post will take you to Maine Quilts in Augusta.
Only 142 days till Christmas!!
Wow, 400 posts! That's awesome. I love your stitcheries. I have been a follower for some time and I love to see your work. Thanks for the chance to win this cute Santa. Love his green hat.
Linda from Halifax, Nova Scotia..Canada's Ocean Playground.
400 posts truly is amazing. Where do you find the time?? Your Santas are gorgeous - and I, too, love that his hat is green!! LOL
San Diego, California
Impressive. Congratulations on your 400th post. Yes, I am a follower and you can find me in TO.
Hi, Linda: I am disqualifying myself from your draw as you very generously sent me one of your gorgeous Santa's last year. I just want to encourage your readers to leave a comment, and to wave hello from Amherst, N.S. - the Border Town.
We are having a quilt show mid September, if you are going to be in Ontario=) Love to meet you.
And of course I follow.
Congrats on all your posts! I don't think I'll ever get that many! Cute little Santa. Thanks for the chance to win. From Janet in the Yukon.
And I am a follower.
400 Followers - Congrats
I live in Florida - I am already a follower ;)
Lovely Giveaway - Thank you !!
I follow your blog most every day. Love to see your beautiful photos and hear your creative writing too. Your projects alwasys inspire. I am very excited to see you have posted an opportunity to win another of those adorable beaded santa ornaments.
Lucy, your friend, from Fredericton
Where does the time go! I'm disqualfiying myself because I have one of these beautiful Santa's too. I'm from the North Side of Fredericton, NB. With al the city construction in our city, I'm just a kayak ride across the river from Linda's House.
This is just stunning! Oh I hope I win it!
Linda - I really enjoy reading your blog and would just love to have one of your Santa's! Jackie in Pasadena, NL
Congratulations on your 400th blog: I have been reading and enjoying your blogs and look for them every day! I too have been the fortunate recipient of a santa face from you, so I am also disqualified, but I congratulate the lucky winner.
Thanks for all your comments. Just to let you know- no one is disqualified from the draw just because you already have a Santa. After all- you can have more than one!!
I'd love to add one of these to my tree! I guess all post-ers need post-ees, that would be me in New Maryland, NB.
Yippee... I'd love to win another Santa. You know, I didn't realize that you made these in two parts, the face, then the hat.
400 posts is something to be proud of, good for you! One can never have too many Santas, thanks for the giveaway.
I am a new follower, but that is all that is new about me!
is it cheating if you already know where I live and have actually been here. lol.... I check in at least weekly and sometimes more. Your Santas are very impressive and I would love to win one..
thanks for the opportunity. Continue to enjoy the summer. Hope this rain goes away. We are off on Thursday to On for two weeks.
WOW< Congrats on your 400th posts, seems like a lot of work to me!! I would be honored to win one of your beautiful Santa's with the green hat, LOL.
I do follow your blog and enjoy it very much.
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