I have to share this photo of my darling daughter and the group who participated in An Evening of Education and Inspiration this past Thursday. DD worked so hard to get this all organized, advertised and promoted. The turnout was not quite what we had hoped for, but I guess that's summer for you. People don't want to commit to things on a summer evening. Regardless, it was an impressive evening. The three girls who were March of Remembrance and Hope participants spoke so genuinely of their experiences, the trip and all it's emotions - not an easy thing to do. I was proud of all of them. But most of all, I was so proud of Laura. It was one of those moments when your heart swells, knowing your little girl is not so little anymore - and she's turning into a fine young woman. She stood up and spoke with such confidence, ease and genuine sincerity. The entire evening flowed smoothly and she was clearly "in charge". Well done my darling.
The guest speakers added a great deal to the evening as well. Dr. Lisa Todd, a professor at U.N.B., gave an excellent brief "overview" of events leading up to WWII and the Holocaust to help us understand how it came about. Our Mayor spoke of his trip to Germany and Poland and his experiences and impressions, similar to the MRH trip. And finally we heard from Dr. Israel Unger, also a professor, but more importantly, a survivor of Auschwitz. I felt humbled and honoured to be in his presence. As my closest friend said to me later, "We have lived such sheltered and uncomplicated lives by comparison." Indeed...
A big Thank You to all who attended this event, as well as those who helped out.
In the photo, l. to r. are Victoria Clowater (MRH '11), Erin Legare (MRH '06), Laura (MRH '11), Mayor Brad Woodside, Dr. Israel Unger and Dr. Lisa Todd.
"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt
This sounds like it was a very interesting forum, Linda, and that you daughter did impressive work in organizing it. Congratulations! You should be very proud of her.
Hi Linda ... I can sooo identify with your feelings of how your little girl seems to be so grown up ... and feeling that sense of pride in her accomplishments!
Kudos to Laura ... she has really become "one" with this experience ... getting out there to share her extraordinary journey with whatever audience avails themselves to share in it.
Congrats to you ... on your 400th post my dear! (As I already have my special Santa ... didn't want to steal away with another!)
Hugs ... Marie
I bet the talk was very interesting. And such wonderful guests - including the three girls. Congratulations to Laura for her accomplishment.
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