When one attends a Quilt Show, there are always some pieces which catch your eye or appeal to you more than others, After all we each have our preferences for colour, technique and so on. One area which really caught my eye at our Show were the groupings we made of workshop pieces.
Our Guild tries to bring in a w

Pippa Moore of British Columbia came to us in 2008 and led six workshops over seven days. Two of these were Out on a Limb- Designing with Trees, and Ferns, Flowers and Other Follies, using design motifs from the Art Deco period. This area at the Show captured the interest of many visitors. The Tree workshop was a two day session focussing on two areas - the design of the tree itself, done from

At the top, on the left of photo, are "Memories" by Linda Glassford and on the right, "Family Tree" by Lee McLean. Linda's tree comes from a painting done by her mother while on her honeymoon, and Lee's tree and broken swing are a poignant memory from her childhood home. Jean Street's "Baobob Tree with African Sunset" (above left) is a reminder of her time spent in Africa in the 1960/70's. Cathy White's "Sunrise Over the

Pieces from Pipppa's Ferns, Flowers and other Follies also received lots of interest during the show, particularly the piece on the top right of this photo, a kitchen window valance called "Fiddleheads and Pitcher Plants" by Trudy Corey. The others shown here, clockwise from top, are by Barb Cross, Ann VanWart, Jean Street, and Linda Glassford.

Two other workshops were represented by pieces from Facial Portraits taught by Susan Tilsley Manley in 2007 and Pet Portraits taught by Karen Henry in 2009. These proved very interesting to the viewers. Whether human or animal, each was done the same way- you start with a good clear photo and then make a black and white photocopy. You work from the b&w copy, using thin tracing paper t

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try...
Amazing work. I can't imagine seeing them all in person. Some of those quilts actually look like pictures. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for sharing these photos of the quilt show. There is some really wonderful work being made by the members.
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