I don't know about you, but I am getting mighty tired of this dreary weather. This is our fourth or fifth week straight - I've lost track - of overcast cool wet weather. Enough already!! I have so much to do , and it's hard to get motivated when it's so dreary. I need a good shot of Vitamin D. C'mon Mr. Sunshine!! Yesterday was a beautiful day- with sun!! The first in days. But it wasn't quite enough... I did get out with my camera for a while though - the pics here are the evidence! Can you tell I'm a bit
blue from this weather?
I must say, everything is green and lush - the grass is growing like crazy as are my perennials. I have the beds pretty well cleaned up but sure would like to get to the top-dressing before things get much taller. The apple trees are budding, and soon we will be smelling the sweet smell of apple blossoms...
We have been following Laura's progress in Poland with great interest all week; I must say I am amazed that she has managed as many
posts as she did. Obviously accessing wireless was not as

problematic as we anticipated. Of course she could not add photos as she was working with just her IPod but those will be added once she is home. They are currently in the air, and barring any problems from the volcanic ash over Iceland, she is due home late tonight. It will be good to wrap my arms around her... It has been an amazing experience for her and I know she is coming home a changed young woman. I have continued reading and have finished two survivor's stories this past w

Night by Elie Wiesel and
A Girl from Schindler's List by Stella Muller-Madej, both amazing stories of courage and perseverance, survival against all odds. Wiesel, a Nobel Laureate, professor and political activist, now makes his home in NYC and has author

ed almost 60 books. Muller-Madej who still lives in Poland and runs a small hotel with her husband, is working on her second book. I have several more books on my "Must read" list including
German Boy and
Unbroken - both come highly recommended...
Edit - Laura is on the ground in Toronto, happy to be back on Canadian soil. She has managed to get on an earlier flight home and is scheduled to get in 4 hours earlier. Oh happy day!! I cannot wait to get my arms around her...
"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old familiar pillow." ~ Lin Yutang
1 comment:
I agree, all this rain must stop soon. Love your blue flowers.
Oh my, I can't believe how quick Laura's trip flew by!! Welcome home Laura.
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