The end of May is one of my most favourite times of year, Spring is in full force! Everything is so green... plants are shooting up, some already in bloom. The trees in my backyard are full of chirping birds (much to Ollie's delight) and my beloved apple trees are now in full blossom. Now if we could only have a little sunshine - that would just be the icing on the cake...
It is amazing how quickly the leaves are unfurling...with all the rain we have had, and despite the lack of sunshine, you can almost see them growing each day. Our maple on the front lawn is fully leafed out now and the horse chestnut blooms are forming. The tightly furled hosta leaves are opening

a bit more each day... you can easily see the progress. Everything is so very lush and green, it's hard to imagine that in a few months we might be crying for rain (let's hope not, but some hot dry weather
right now would not upset me...) Currently our forecast says we are going to see some sunshine for the next two days... I'm not holding my breath as the outlook seems to change every few hours, but it sure would be nice. I'd love at least ONE day of sun to enjoy my apple blossoms before they all start to fall.... There's already a light dusting o

f "snow" petals on the grass...
Speaking of apple blossoms, in my next post I'll show you my Spring Challenge piece, "The Nest" and tell you a bit about how I went about it... I certainly did not proceed in a normal manner... lol
I'll leave you with a few photos from my backyard... wish I could send you the wonderful scent of the blossoms too... We arrived home from Halifax on Thursday evening to find our apple trees suddenly in full blossom, and the sun was out for a brief period so you know me- I grabbed my camera!

"Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning." ~Lydia M. Child
1 comment:
Beautiful photos Linda. I agree, I'm looking for sunshine. We'll probably go to the cottage to mow and do a little yard work.
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