Do you have a Saturday morning ritual? For me, Saturday morning means Farmer's Market... We are lucky to have a wonderful year round weekly market here in our city, and it is recognized as one of Canada's Top Ten community markets! It has been in its current location since 1951 - so this year is a 60th Anniversary year! But before that, dating back to the mid 1800's, it was held in Phoenix Square on Queen Street. My father attended market every Saturday with his father, traveling by horse and sleigh in the winter when he was a boy in the '20's. And as a child, as soon as I could walk well, my father started taking me to market with him. And that's how Saturday rituals are born... I thought you might enjoy this historical photo of market day in 1907, from the souvenir view album
Fredericton, The Celestial City and the River St. John (Toronto, W.G. MacFarlane, 1907) Credit: National Gallery of Canada.

Yes the Market has changed since those days, but it is still as popular. "The Market" as it is known by locals, is a Saturday morning institution. It is THE gathering spot - for fresh food, crafts and good conversation, with stall holders, your neighbour or a local politician. It is THE place for seasonal produce like fiddleheads in the spring, just picked berries in the summer and maple syrup all year 'round.... fresher than fresh garden veggies all summer and apples in the fall... the best meats, seafoods and cheeses... fresh baked goods - breads, cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes, you name it.. jams, jellies and pickles,

fresh-squeezed juices and made on the spot fruit smoothies.. you can even find wine, chocolates and specialty coffees! Not to mention photography, jewellery, stained glass, candles and other crafts.. the market has it all! And you can eat breakfast or lunch- inside or out...
And.. at this time of year, they have the smell of Christmas: fresh cut trees, wreaths and bunches of greens for decorating. This morning as I walked around in the warm sunshine, the scent of the evergreens was so wonderful. Why is it that a smell can bring back a flood of memories? This morning, there was even "live entertainment" - my great-niece Mallory was there with other Theatre New Brunswick Young Company members singing carols. They did a great job and received lots of applause. Way to go Mal!
Yes, no matter what season it is, Market is a special place. I always feel close to my Dad there, he is never far from my thoughts.. And now "the next generation" attends market... Mallory likes going with her Mom, and Laura feels "the connection" too, she loves Market and has made it a part of her Saturday tradition, when she is home. Of course, her most fav thing is the Samosas, but that's another story...

"The merry family gatherings, the old, the very young; the strangely lovely way they harmonize in carols sung.
For Christmas is tradition time- traditions that recall the precious memories down the years, the sameness of them all. ~ Marshall