As promised, here are a few of my favourite Jim Shore Santas. They really need to be seen close up to appreciate the work on them.
My True Love Gave to Me is probably the most intricate of the Santas that I have. He features all the "characters" from the song The Twelve Days of Christmas under his robe. But his back is almost as impressive - I love the rosemaling design on the back of his cape and the designs around the hem of his cloak. I should have him displayed somewhere where he could be viewed 360 degrees so you could appreciate all of him...

Isn't he handsome?
Another favourite is
Naughty or Nice? Santa who is "reversible". He has the same quilt design on both sides, but in slightly different colors. Notice on the naughty side he's carrying a bundle of sticks and a satchel of coal, and his list is titled "Not So Nice". On the Nice side, his bag is overflowing with toys and he has a puppy tucked under his arm. I guess if you had young children in the house, you could use him as an indicator of how they were doing, behavior-wise. My kids are beyond that now, sadly...
Of course Santa with the kitty in his arms is a favourite of both Oliver and I. Ollie likes the kitty and I love the Log Cabin design around the bottom of his robe.... Log Cabin has always been, and probably always will be my favourite quilt design...
And lastly, below are my favourites of the smaller Santas - for no particular reason. From left to right, Irish Santa, Topiary Santa and Birdman Santa... Of course, I love all of my Jim Shore figurines. They are such fun to get out each year... once Christmas is over, I pack away the Santas and angels and get out the snowmen...
"His eyes, how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow."
~ Clement C.Moore