It felt good to spend some time in my studio yesterday, even though I did not accomplish anything big. But, I did complete two small projects that are long overdue. Two more pillowcases- for my nephew's children. Nathan plays hockey all winter and baseball all summer. He loved the
hockey pillowcase I gave him for Christmas last year so I was on the lookout for baseball fabric in my travels this summer. It was an easy find, but fabric to suit Mallory was tougher- she plays volleyball and is into drama - neither of which the fabric designers have done. I looked high and low, to no avail. So I ended up with ladybugs- she has had a love affair with ladybugs since she was a toddler, so I hope she thinks this is cool. Her room is purple, so that was my choice for the accent band, and I thought the yellow polka dots went well with the dotty ladybugs! I will deliver these this evening.
These pillowcases are so quick and easy to do and all seams are enclosed. Click on the hockey pillowcase link above to see the measurements I use.
To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.
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