Anyway, here it is- done for another year. Fourteen bottles. I just did a single batch this year- I think I did a double batch last year and still have some left. This jelly, my paternal grandmother's recipe, is an old Kelly family favourite. Whereas most people like cranberries with their turkey or roast chicken, in my family, we have this Spiced Apple Jelly. If there is no jelly, well there's just no sense in having turkey or chicken. It just won't taste the same! So I make it now that Mum's gone, and give some to my brothers. I use a combination of crabapples, apples, spices (cinnamon sticks and whole cloves) and I usually make an apple pie the same day so I can throw in the peels and cores from the Gravensteins as well - that way I am sure there will be lots of pectin. This batch is a gorgeous ruby red color- a deeper red than this photo suggests.
Tomorrow I'm spending some time in the studio, finishing up a very small miniature quilt. Stay tuned!
"Autumn...makes a double demand. It asks that we prepare for the future--that we be wise in the ways of garnering and keeping. But it also asks that we learn to let go--to acknowledge the beauty of sparseness."
~ Bonaro W. Overstreet
Please do share the recipe and a hint on how to know when it's done. I'd love to give it a whirl.
I second the motion. I would love to send the recipe to my daughter who has apple trees and gave up making jelly because it didn't work for her.
Linda, I had to laugh when I read your post - I married into an apple jelly with turkey family and I came from an apple jelly is for toast family. Over the years I have declined many an offer at turkey time - with an accompanying comment of what it properly belongs on. It's now a very old joke in our family.
Sue W., Bathurst
Those bottles look so pretty lined up in the window. I love Apple Jelly too, but I'm a cranberry person with my turkey. Still, I might give the spiced apple jelly a try this Thanksgiving.
I agree. I'd love to have the recipe... There's lots of time to plan a batch this fall. You gave me some last year, and I love the spicy flavor. It's perfect to accompany a savory dinner like turkey... Yes, the more I think about it, I really want to make a batch. I'll be making an apple pie or two over the long weekend, so that might be the time...
Yes I will add the recipe this weekend!
Hello Linda, greetings from Bavaria/Germany. The lovely color of your wonderful apple jelly was like a beacon all the way across the ocean. I would like to read your recipe and give it a try. I'm afraid there will be no turkey to go with it, but nevertheless it will be gone very fast- my husband and my 2 year old grandson will see to it.It will all end up on the toast and bread of our family. Thanks in advance for the recipe. Best wishes for you and your family
Meckie from Germany
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