I'm feeling a little blue these days.... It could be from the blueberry pie I've been eating... mmm... LOVE blueberry pie. It's one of hubby's favourites too. Each August when the fresh blueberries are available at our Farmer's Market, I buy one or more 5 pound boxes from Tuddenham's and put them in the freezer. That keeps me going through the winter for pie, blueberry muffins, blueberry crisp, etc. And since I had made several raspberry pies (MY fav but NOT his), I had to do a fresh blueberry pie for the hubster. This photo was taken in July at my friend Donna's cottage at the lake, just a few days before the birds totally cleaned her blueberry bushes... the little varmints!! I know they have to eat too, but it IS most annoying when they take your whole crop!

But probably my feeling blue is because my darlin' daughter is now back at University. The summer went by way too quickly and there were so many things we had wanted to do together, that just didn't get done. I miss her already. But she is looking forward to another year - remember that "first day of school excitement" - when you have all new binders, fresh paper, sharp pencils, new crayons...? Well, okay, she's past the crayon stage for sure, but each new school year always holds great promise and excitement. I'm hoping she has a better experience this year. It will be a tough year work-wise, with a full course load plus an Honours thesis to write. She will earn a little pocket money again by working at the DalPlex, hopefully she can be a note-taker for disabled students again too, as she did last year. She has already written an article for the first issue of the student newspaper and has applied for another "writing job" for a provincial association's quarterly newsletter. SO I daresay she's not going to be bored and looking for things to do... Her apartment is all set up now and looking "homey"... snug and cozy. Miss you hon! Sending big hugs your way....

I never know what I'm going to see when I look out my kitchen window. This morning as I ate breakfast I was watching Mr. Woodpecker, once again drilling my apple tree for his breakfast... But look who was passing through the backyard a few days ago - Mr. Foxy Loxy! Bold as anything - at 3 in the afternoon - he was just out for a stroll. He looks thin, but his coat is in beautiful shape.... My paternal grandfather was a fox rancher for a number of years, selling the pelts to the Hudson Bay Company. You can read the story of the great fire that destroyed all of that,
here... So foxes on our property is nothing new... For those of you who have never been close to a fox - they have an "odour" all their own.. very similar to a skunk.... yuch!

Guess where I'm spending the afternoon today? In my studio!! YES! It feels so good to be "back at it"... One might think I have forgotten how to sew by now- there sure hasn't been much of it going on through the summer. Just boring stuff like mending jeans knees for Mark, repairing clothing and a few sewing jobs for Laura's apartment (curtains, etc.) So now it's full speed ahead. Lots of quilting and sewing projects to get back to, classes to prepare for, etc. Whooo- hooo! Can't wait!
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate accomplishments." ~ Napoleon Hill
Linda you day sounds great.. everything seems like it is just as it should be...
but the story you wrote about your grandfather's fire.. how frightening it must have been for them and everyone..
... and doesn't that beautiful mug look like work of a friend of mine Rachel M from Hidden House Pottery..
Yes Gwen, that mug IS by your friend Rachel. I love her blue and white pottery - it is my "studio mug".. no one else is allowed to use it! lol Did you see her work on my Sept. 2 post??
You got a new mug!? I like it!
Mr Fox is awful cute....and, I miss you too! Just applied for another freelance journalism job with a student magazine....
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