Remember that line from "Leavin' on a Jet Plane"? Well, I'm not taking a plane...wish I was.. but anyway, my bags are packed. Here are the blocks I've made to work on... love those jewel tones. I'm also taking a WIP (Work in Progress) so may work on it too...
Be back in a week...talk at ya then....
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Hi Linda, it was nice seeing you in Freeport ME today at QuiltPort. I hope you have a safe trip to CT and a GREAT class. I am envious!
Hope to see you at ME Quilts in July, and hope to see photos of your work from your class!
It was so great to meet you, explore the Big Apple, and sit with you in class last week, Linda! Hope you had a smooth trip home after big fun at Delectable Mountains!
Hi Linda, I wanted to drop by and say how much I enjoyed our day together in NYC. It was great to meet you and so cool that we “looked out” for each other as the others with faster paces forged ahead of us in the crowds. I just finished blogging about our Girls Day Out, so drop by to see it! Hope we meet up again soon! Hugs, Cathy
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