Here's my nametag...not as great as I'd like it to be, but it will have to do. I cannot fuss with it any longer, I have too much still to do. I may add a few more beads later... I am suffering a sore throat, hoarse voice and a bit of a sniffle today - just what I need. Not! So I'm trying to get done what must be done and I hope to get to bed early tonight. I know I've been burning the midnight oil too many nights now, and I guess I'm run down. Not a great way to start a trip.. I'm hoping the Echinacea will "come through " for me like it usually does...
It's very likely that I won't be on here again until after the 16th, so keep well my friends and I'm sure I'll have lots of photos to share upon my return. I hope to visit Old Sturbridge Village on Sunday on my way to Manchester - they have a special display of quilts on exhibit, dating 1790-1850. If I'm really lucky I may get to the American Folk Art Museum when we're in NYC on Monday for their special quilt exhibit. I sure timed this right, didn't I? Then of course there's my three day class, and oh, did I mention the Maine Shop Hop, on for the month of April, and Quiltport USA this weekend in Freeport?? You know me - I'm going to try and hit them all....
Hello. My name is Linda. I'm a quilter, and my house is in pieces....
Linda, that is BEAUTIFUL. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't do that. I hope you have a great time and return with your batteries charged.
I hope you are feeling better soon !!
it's gorgeous Linda..... have a good trip and hope the cold turns out to be a dud... I just got over one, not fun... did you get a card from me??
Have a great time, Linda!
Thanks for your good wishes. I am feeling somewhat better today - maybe the megadoses of fruit and Echinacea, constant gargling and a full night's sleep has helped! Let's hope so!
And Sue - No, I have not received a card?
geez, mailed it with a little something in it.. paid extra postage.... mailed probably on Apr 9th.....
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