No one will ever know how much I enjoy the view from my kitchen windows. The back yard is peaceful in the winter, as the snow carpets the grass and gardens, and leaves interesting formations on the fence and tree branches. The only activity is the visiting birds at the feeder and the ever present squirrels. Their telltale tracks in the snow show their "routes" from apple tree to apple tree and

their travels and antics provide endless entertainment for Ollie who lies on the back of our familyroom couch, watching with great interest. He lets me know when he wants the curtains opened... I love how the afternoon sun streaks the snow with blue shadows. The crisscrossing squirrel tracks combine with the shadows to look like a roadmap. I take great pleasure in simple things, I guess, but I have learned to appreciate the simple beauty of nature and this season of rest. It feeds my soul...
The view at the same window is pretty nice on the inside today too. My other amaryllis is in bloom now - the blossoms are wider than my handspan. There are two blooms today, by tomorrow all four will be open. Joining in to brighten my windowsill are two small pink cyclamen. Just thought you might like to enjoy this "dose of pink" with me...

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." ~ John Muir
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