I seem to be frantically trying to accomplish things .... so much to do and not enough time! I keep saying I wish I could find another 6-8 hours per day, just for ME; time when no one has to be fed, driven, needs laundry done or errands run.... I guess it would have to be between midnight and the wee hours of the morning... I realize it's NOT going to happen...
I'm away teaching again this coming weekend- my last class scheduled for now...Hurray! I love teaching, but it feels good to be done, too. Next weekend I will be in Ontario for Sandy's memorial service in her hometown, followed by burial near the family farm. I'm looking forward to a return visit, although I wish it were not for such a sad event. It will be good to see the rest of her siblings again.

There is so much work waiting to be done outside- my perennial beds are all popping up and will soon need my attention- I try to top-dress them all with my "special recipe" mixture of compost, bonemeal, sheep manure and a few other secret ingredients. Each plant gets a shovelful or two...
Another job I must finish this week is my door to door canvassing for the Canadian Cancer Society. I do it every year, but this year am doing two routes instead of my usual one, and I'm thinking of Sandy with every step. I got a good start last evening, and people were generous. Please give, when a canvasser comes to your door this month. It matters not the amount. Every dollar helps.
To end on a positive note, Laura found out yesterday she will be one of the Black Kat Scholar Award recipients. This is the highest award of recognition for Honours students at FHS, who have been heavily involved in school activities, done over 100 volunteer hours in the community, etc. We are very proud of her accomplishments. She also received notice in the mail of two university scholarships.... so it was a good day!!
I'm nearly done a second Stitch Sampler of Featherstitch, so am hoping to post pics of them tomorrow... Until then...
"Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil" ~ Heber