I seem to be a bit behind the times in that I have not foraged far into this new world of "pre-cuts". I tend to like to choose my own fabrics, and Lord knows, I've chosen quite a few over the years- I could probably open up my own Fabric Shop (that is IF I wanted to part with them, which I don't. Yet.) I did buy my first Bali Pop this past summer- that's a pack of co-ordinated 2.5" strips of Bali fabrics from Hoffman. I love love love the colors and can't wait to use it. Just one small problem- I'm still waiting for the inspiration to hit. What to do with it? I'm still looking for a design I really like....
But I digress. This post was to talk about my latest quick project. I picked up a Charm pack recently - my first! How exciting! I chose North Woods Botanical (by Holly Taylor for Moda). I was in a new shop and I have to admit- I just couldn't help myself - I simply got carried away with the excitement, frenzy, call it whatever you want. (C'mon, admit it- You know EXACTLY what I mean!!) ANYWAY- when I got home, I thought now what am I going to do with this????
I rarely buy Modas. I rarely buy Christmas fabric. WHAT was I thinking? I do like the more subdued reds and greens and I did love the prints of pine sprigs, pine cones, holly leaves, etc.
Well, after some serious web and blog surfing I did come across something that fit my bill- quick, easy, not too large - the Disappearing Nine Patch. Yes! That's what I'll make - 4 large blocks will give me 16 blocks to make into a table center. Perfect.

As I laid this one out, I thought - can't do that- 2 greens on top, 2 reds on bottom...but then I realized it won't matter. You'll see why next...

After pressing the seams, cut each nine patch in half, vertically and horizontally, giving you four smaller blocks. So I will end up with 16 blocks.

Here is another.
I'm going to play around on my design wall to see what other layouts I can come up with. I'll share the finished design with you in a few days.....
This is a very simple quilt design - easy to construct, great for beginners. Great for scraps, also great for Charm Packs. It may also work for an I Spy quilt. Doing the Math is very simple- take the size of your original fabric squares, multiply by 3 (3 across in the 9 patch), divide by 2 (when you cut in half) and subtract 1 (for seam allowances). The resulting number will be the finished size of your block.
So if you are using a Charm Pack: 5" x 3 = 15/2 = 7.5 -1= 6.5"
If you had 6" squares: 6" x 3 = 18/2 = 9 -1 = 8"
If you use 7" squares: 7" x 3 = 21/2 = 10.5 -1 = 9.5"
I saw this Disappearing Ninepatch on Judy Laquidara's blog. If you're not familiar with Judy, she is very prolific and makes many beautiful scrap quilts. Definitely worth a frequent look!!
Don't forget today is the last day to enter my Giveaway. I'll be drawing the Winners tonight at 9 pm Atlantic Time, and announcing them tomorrow morning... See you then!! :)
And a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends/ followers/readers!!
Is a nine patch part of a twelve step program?
You know, earlier this year, I worked with my very first pre-cut charm pack too. It was the Fruitcake by Moda. I did a hexagon Christmas table runner with it. I love it. I just bought my first Jellyroll, but it's still in Moncton. It'll make its way back home to me this weekend. I have no idea what to do with it. Maybe I'll just save it for a while... like the rest of my fabric.
I have a jelly roll sitting in my studio(doesn't that sound pretentious?) and I am not sure what to do with it. So far, it's just been look and admire...maybe I'll get another one and they could have babies...would they be cookies???
Quilting Queen- I think the babies would be Jelly Babies!! lol
So... where's the new quilt shop? - do tell!
Karen- I should have said "new to me" . She has actually had a shop for several years but recently moved to a much larger nicer location and I was there for the first time in August. It is The Christmas Crab Quiltery in Woodstock. And she is a Bernina dealer too... woohooo!
Funny you should be posting about charm packs and disappearing 9 patches. I have been trying to decide for 2 days which charms to use and whether to use The Disappearing 9 patch pattern or another nice one I found on the Moda Bake Shop. Gonna have to decide soon or it will end up being next years Christmas gift...
Oh by the way I am up early so I'll be waiting to see who wins...hope it is me!
I like your disapearing 9 patch. I was one years ago - but couldn't find instructions. Then a couple months ago I was given some directions and started making up some blocks... I like your secound layout! Haven't seen that one so far - I really like it!!
I'm hoping I win too - pick me, pick me!!
no - I wasn't one years ago......I saw one years ago!
arlene f
thank you so much for breaking it all down.. I had no idea there were so many....
I love the Disappearing Nine-Patch. It looks like you've bothered with lots of little pieces, when actually it's as simple as pie!
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