Thought you might enjoy seeing what a HUGE help Ollie was to me when I was cutting out the pieces. He really loved the nice crinkly rattley tissue paper and he was convinced I was doing the entire job just to entertain him!!! He enjoyed trying to pull the entire length of fabric to the floor and when that didn't work he decided he should get right up where the action was. He did a great job of holding things in place
One bright idea I had while doing the waist and the drawstring was this: you know how hard it can be to thread a drawstring or elastic through a casing when you come to the seam allowances... if they have been pressed open, sometimes it is difficult to get by that spot. Instead of pressing them open, just in the waist area I pressed them to one side- all going in the same direction around the waist- lets' say clockwise. So when I threaded the drawstring through, there were no "fetch-ups" at the seams. Worked like a charm.
In another day or two I'll show you the quick Christmas Banner I made f
A dog is a dog , but a cat is a purrrrson.
Don't cats have active imaginations.... and sharp claws!!! Ollie is a handsome assistant.
We got Ollie from the SPCA and he had already been de-clawed. I could never do that to a cat, but since it was already done, it became a "selling point" in his favour. He does have back claws but rarely uses them. He is a Maine Coon Cat- a very interesting breed. I've had cats all my life, but never one like Ollie. He is so very affectionate, and demanding of much love and attention daily. And thanks- I think he's handsome too! :)
Olie is such a great helper. What a beautiful cat! Lucy
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