Here is the other project I was working on during our Guild Workday last Saturday. I couldn't share it with you then, as I knew Laura would see it and it was a surprise for her. A little something to hang in her apartment for a bit of Christmas spirit...It is a long narrow wallhanging, or banner, if you like. (She has hung it on her door.) Nothing fancy- just quick and easy .. and cute!! Realized after it was in the mail that I forgot to sew the jingle bell on the tiptop of his hat....
Here is the little tip I mentioned in an earlier post re. the binding, when first attaching it to your quilt by machi

ne. If you are doing a large piece, or anything that needs a long length of binding, you might try this: If you have an extension table for your machine, or if your sewing table has a "leg" or something at the front like you see here- roll the binding up around your hand, and place the "leg" or post in the center of the circle. The binding will unroll as you stitch along, and it will not get twisted, caught on something, fall to the floor, or any of the other scenarios that usually happen when you have a great long length of binding. Works like a charm. I cannot take credit for this idea- I read it somewhere..and can't remember where. So to whoever thought of this, a Big Thank You!!
We had a beautiful snowfall yesterday. It was so "picture perfect" when I went to bed last night after midnight- all was still and the trees were so pretty. I got out this morning before the wind came up and snapped a few quick photos in my backyard. Hope you enjoy them.
"Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again." ~ Bill Morgan Jr.

Oh that Santa is so cute. Tall and Skinny - just like me!!!
And great tip on the binding. I near strangle myself when putting binding on a quilt because it's thrown over my shoulder etc.. It's everywhere... Great tip and I'll be sure to try it.
Gail wrote my response to your tip...I too throw it over my shoulder...so Tigger can chew on it..NOT! Love the wallhanging...another good idea for a slim spot...
Those are beautiful pictures. Living in apple country, I often take pictures of the apple trees full and empty but yours are wonderful. Thanks for sharing a piece of nature.
Diane, This particular tree is the only one of the dozen in my backyard that does not drop it's apples in the fall. They stay on through the winter, until a flock of Cedar Waxwings arrive and totally clean it. It's always fun to watch them feast...
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