I must say though, in all this time, I haven't gathered many followers.. of course I haven't really worked hard at that either.... Nor do I get many comments; it seems to be the same few who comment all the time.. I like to hear from you, readers - no one wants to think they are talking to themselves..haha!
SO- here's how the giveaway is going to work: 1. You don't have to be a blogger to enter- it is open to all readers. But if you are not a b

2. You must leave a comment on this post to say Hello. I will choose a winner next Thursday, Nov. 25 - one month before Christmas, by pulling a name "from the hat". And - if you're not a Blogger, I'd love you to tell me where you live!
3. If you are already a Follower of my Blog, or if you join as a new Follower, I will add your name two extra times.
4. If you have a blog and mention my giveaway there (you could even link to my post!) I'll add your name two more times. Of course, you'll have to tell me that you have done this...
And what might you win, you ask? You could win one of the stitched beaded Santa ornaments shown on this post - Saint Nick (top), San Nicolo (left) or Santa Claus (below) - your choice. If I get more than 100 comments, or I reach 50
followers, I'll draw two winners. If I g

So, dear readers - I'm waiting!! I want to hear from YOU!
Edit: Mon. Nov.22 - I just realized that some viewers may not know how to comment, or become a Follower. Anyone can leave a comment - all you do is click on the word "Comments" below- a white box will open up - type your comment in the box, then below it click on "Comment as". If you do not have a Blog or Google account, select Anonymous in the drop down menu. (just remember to add your name and email addy in your comment so I'll know who you are in case you are the lucky winner!!) Then simply hit the "Post Comment" button. Simple as that!
To become a Follower, you must have a Google account. Scroll way down my sidebar to find the box of Followers, then simply click on the word Follow and follow the prompts.
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.
I love them all! I hope you get a ton of comments - I don't get many either. Maybe it's a Maritime thing -we're all to shy to speak up? :))
Your work is lovely. I particularly like how each of these Santas has his beard worked in a different design.
Your work is absolutly gorgeous! I love all of your work.I would be sooo pleased to win one of them!I personnally only started to quilt about a year ago, so am all new to this and I enjoy your blog!Hope you get all kinds of comments!
Congrats to the lucky winner.
Loving the contest. I am a follower, and I just linked you at my blog.
I dont' get a ton of comments either... maybe it is a Canadian thing=))
HI Linda, I am a follower even though it comes up under my e-mail address instead of my name ???not sure how I did that and not sure how to correct it. Actually I have you listed in my side bar, under blogs I follow. I will leave a link on my blog for your give away. Followers and comments are scarce on my blog too...and sometimes I do feel like I am talking to myself, but that's ok; I blog because I enjoy it.
Your Santas are lovely and I would love to win one, so even though I would like to see you get 100 comments and 50 followers, I sort of hope the numbers stay low..gives me a better chance to win!
Great photos on your blog and I enjoy the quotes too!
I am very excited to enter my name for your give-away contest. How exciting! I check your blog regularly and enjoy it very much although I am not a blogger myself. (your friend) Lucy
I must admitt that although I faithfully read your blog and do surf through others I am not sure what being a follower intales. I enjoy seeing your work, recipees and family news. Linda G
Gorgeous. I would love to win one of these Santas. Thanks for the chance.
Hi Linda, it was your blog that inspired me to create one of my own. I love keeping my "out of province" kids up to date on whats going on here at home. Our oldest daughter works for Canada Wildlife and visits Nunavit each summer, she would love your latest Santas and I love all of them. Enjoy your giveaway!
Linda G - you do not have to be a Blogger to be a Follower but you do have to have a Google account. Being a Follower allows someone with a Blog to have an easily accessible list of Blogs they like to check in on frequently- you can simply click on the list and be taken right to each Blog without having to type in the Blog address each time....
Hey there, I love a give-away. I'm pretty lucky too! Pick me, Pick me! And I'll talk about your give-away on my blog. Going to do it now...
So, what's wrong with talkin' to oneself - it's only annoying when I get into an argument. I LOVE your Santa's but that is no surprise as I love all of your work. I am a dedicated follower and would be honoured to give any of your characters a good home!!!
Oh I love that beautiful work!
they are georgous!! I followed a link from another site, but I"m signing up to follow , thats for sure!!
Thanks to Gail for putting your give away on her blog... I am now a follower, even though I meant to do that ages ago.. time gets away. I will put it on my blog too... hopefully tomorrow....
Hi Linda, I just became a follower and I blogged about your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful Santas. Love them!
What a great Santa.Amy
Oh, goody gumdrops...you bet I'll leave a comment. That is one gorgeous Santa....so along that line...pick me! pick me!
I'm not a blogger just a 'Santa wanna have' . Your work is beautiful! Don't hesitate to email kmacg13@gmail.com to let me know I won. lol
I'm sure I could find a good home for such a lovely Santa!
These are so pretty! I haven't done any bead work in a few years and I forget how nice they look! I'd really love to win one :-)
These are very, very nice!! You do wonderful work1 Thanks for the chance.
Hi Linda!
Here I am after crawling out of my row boat I finally had time to get caught up on your life. Congratulations on almost 300 posts. I have no idea how many posts I've done...you've made me think to go check...Those Santa would look great on my tree!!! xoxo Susan
Hi Linda --
I apologize for never leaving comments when I visit -- I check your blog regularly and have been coveting your Santas since I first saw them on your blog many many posts ago. St. Nicolo is my fav. And just so you know, I keep coming back because it is great! And one day I will sit down and figure out how to be a blog follower...perhaps my son can explain it all to me! Congratulations!
Louanne, do I know you- are you a Northstar QG member? If not, don't forget to leave me your email or some way to contact you, in case you are the winner!! :)
Thanks for dropping by my blog and letting me know about your giveaway.♥
I became a follower and mentioned your giveaway on my blog.
Check out my giveaway too.
Thanks for the chance!!
Okay, those ornaments are beautiful! Count me in.
i'm a follower
just added your giveaway to my blog!
Great ornaments! You can thank my mom - Quilting Queen for the link to your blog. :)
Beautiful ornaments! Such a wonderful give away!Thank you for the chance to win. I just signed up as a follower and I blogged about your giveaway.
Linda ... Dear Linda!
I have "read" your blog since Day One. Today I am officially adding myself as a "Follower" and my friend ... I too am on the threshold of MY 300th post ... only you've accomplished it a whole year sooner than I!
I also posted about your draw & linked to it.
I loved your idea so much ... that I(forgive me) borrowed it ... hmmm no ... stole it ... but I did put my own spin on it ... so check it out!
I'm in agreement ... it's a Canadian thing ... are we that humble that we don't give ourselves the credit that we definitely deserve?
You soooo hit the nail on the head here for me ...and I thank you for it. Time to boldly step up and shine!
Big congrats & thanks on your 300th ... and can't wait to see more!
Love & Hugs ... Marie
Hi Linda,
I am a very new blogger and heard of your contest from chucklinsday.blog. I am a follower now and what a wonderful idea for a draw.I am a quilter and card maker and love to see others interests. Your Santa would be a great addition to our Christmas tree.Lovely bead work.Cheers,Diane
Oh, how lovely..I have never seen such beautiful Santas, but I would love to own one of yours.
I do not currently blog, I used to have a food blog, but no more. Too many calories! Anyway, I am a Texas gal who is currently living in NC.
I am enjoying your blog so much...I just signed up to follow you!
Hi Linda,
Great comments! You have become quite popular and have lots of Followers, don't you? How does that make you feel? Thanks for all of the great notes in the past almost 2 years...2 years, how can that be already??
Love your Santas! I used to cross stitch but got away from it once I found quilting. Your Santas are very inspiring!
I have been a follower of your site ever since your husband pointed me to your blog. I am inspired by your work and love all of your pieces, however, my favourite is the F8 Quilt. I hope to me a "mini you" when I retire and have more time. Since you are an avid reader, you might enjoy "Good to a Fault" by Marina Endicott.
Please enter me into your contest.
Hi Linda - just found your blog and have become a follower! I love your Artic Circle Santas!!! I stitched a few of these several years ago but hadn't seen these so will need to go in search of them. Love Oliver and Graycie said to send him kitty hugs. Deb
Hi Linda! Such cute little Santa's you are making!
Your Santas are beautiful!
I'd love the chance to enter.
I'm a new follower.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I want you to know that Karen Neary sent me here! We would all love to win this cute little guy!
Sheila Smith
Your work is lovely and must take quite a bit of time to do. I'm a new follower and I don't get many comments on my blog either but I'm OK with that.
Karen is the one who introduced me to you. I am so excited to visit a Maritimer. I love your ornaments and I congratulate you on your 300th post.
Hi Linda
Loves these little Santas.
And love these little kits. Have done many over the years but not for some time. They make amazing gifts (as a kit or finished). Where would you buy them in this aresa? Beautiful blog. Good Luck to all.
Mary in Amherst. Karen sent me.
So lovely! I can see why Karen suggested we come visit your blog. Now I must try to find the envelope of needlework ornaments from, hmmm... 30 years ago? and see if I can actually finish some of them. :-)
Hello Cindi and Mary-
To answer your questions: yes I love doing these Santas when I sit in the evenings to "listen" to TV. Each one takes between 8-10 hours, depending on the pattern. Some take longer than others. If you go down my sidebar to "Labels" and click on Beaded Santas you will see the other 2 in the series- Father Christmas and St. Nicholas.
Mary, are you familiar with the lovely cross-stitch shop in Moncton, "Because You Count"? It is on Collishaw. just down Vaughn Harvey Blvd. from Mountain Road. They carry Mill Hill kits. Not sure that they'd still have these Santas but they have lots of other tempting goodies!! Have a visit, you won't regret it (your wallet might though! haha)
Karen mentioned your blog so thought I would check it out. LOVE your work and LOVE your cat!
One reason a lot of you might not get comments is the fact that unless you are a blogger you often can't post a comment! I do get frustrated with that as I don't want to join anything at the moment. Cynthia off the west coast of Canada! quilticat@yahoo.com
What a wonderful giveaway! I'm thrilled to have found your blog. Looking forward to your posts! I know that in Canada you have already celebrated Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and your family!
I have just signed up to follow your blog! My home is in Atlanta, Georgia (southern US) Take care!
Hi Linda, Nice to find your blog. Connections lead to connections and the blog world gets larger all the time. I live in the Yukon. I love your ornaments.
I've become a follower too. so your numbers are up by one.
Karen sent me and I'm I ever glad she did!!
Your work is awesome.....I'm looking forward to becoming a follower as well....
Cool!! Hugs
Love your work.....Karen sent me to have a look! I am in Prince Edward Island.
You do lovely work! Good to have been directed here. I am in Ontario
Karen sent me. I am 'visiting' from Harrow, Ontario but I spent my growing-up years in Nova Scotia.
Giveaway is now closed. Thanks for all your comments!!
Just found you from another blog and am thrilled to be a new follower! I have only been quilting for about 2 years. I feel so blessed to be quilting in an era with so much information and resources at our finger tips! I look forward to your future posts. By the way, I keep up easily with all the blogs I'm following using Google Reader. Just a tip for others.
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