I'm off again tomorrow, to Moncton this time. I'll be teaching on Saturday
at The Covered Bridge Quiltery. It is one of my most favourite quilt shops and it's always a pleasure to teach there; I do a Machine Quilting class there on a fairly regular basis. It seems when I'm away two weekends in a row, I don't get much sewing or stitching done in between. This week is no exception. Not only the usual laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, meals, etc. etc., but also had to finish canvassing for Kidney Foundation, did the Daffodil thing for the Cancer Society Monday night, Choir practice Tuesday night, haircut, assembling info for Guild newsletter, there just seems to be an endless list of things "to be done"... Most days I wonder where the time went... So, instead of showing you anything I've done ( I'm sure you don't want to see my laundry or ironing!! haha) I'll share with you several more "Stitch Samplers"...
These "samplers" are a wonderful way to "play" with a stitch - to see what happens if you vary the stitch or stretch it out, stitch it closely together, layer it, stack it, etc. I am currently doing another online course with Aussie CQ teacher Sharon B
oggon through http://www.joggles.com/ . Sharon does wonderful courses, well worth taking. This one is called "Develop a Personal Library of Stitches" and it is just what I have described here, taking a stitch and playing with it to get variations and different looks. If you do this on a sampler, and keep track of what you have done, then you have it to refer back to later on. Although I have only been reading the lessons - I'll get to the actual stitching later on - I have already learned a lot - new stitches and many variations.

These "samplers" are a wonderful way to "play" with a stitch - to see what happens if you vary the stitch or stretch it out, stitch it closely together, layer it, stack it, etc. I am currently doing another online course with Aussie CQ teacher Sharon B

So here you see, in the first sampler above, very simple Herringbone variations. I have used a variegated cotton thread. In the second sampler (above left), I have done a simple row of Herringbone as a base, then added to it. I've again just used very simple additions - straight stitch, French knots, detached Chain stitch, etc. See what you can do by adding to a basic stitch? They all look quite different. (Does anyone think the second last row from bottom looks like a row of Mickey Mouse heads? )
The third sampler- to the right- is again very simple rows of Cretan stitch - one of my fav stitches. 

I can't wait to get back at these samplers to do more, and do more interesting /complex variations and combinations..and permutations?? haha
That's all for today, folks!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themsleves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
1 comment:
These are great samples
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