I'm sure you've been wondering just that.. what's going on? Where is she? Why isn't she blogging? Well, I was away for two days last week, and since then, I've had a little problem. I had a fall last Friday night, and it seems I have a tear in the rotator cuff of my right shoulder. Hence some pain, poor sleep at nights and loss of mobility/range of motion in my right arm. It has certainly put a cramp in my "December productivity". Color me frustrated!!! This is
not a good time of year to be "somewhat disabled"!! I have too long a list of things to be done to put up with this foolishness! But put up I must. It can take weeks or even months to heal so I'm trying to be good (okay, better than just "good"). I don't want this to drag on any longer than absolutely necessary...
We went downtown to the Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the Legislative Buildings. It was cold and I had worn shoes (instead of boots- mistake #1). My feet were very cold - bordering on numb. When we left, I "missed" a small curb, turned my ankle and down I went, full force on my right arm and shoulder, crashing to the pavement. How embarassing. My upper arm has been going through the loveliest
shades of black, purple and now that beautiful "bruise green"... lol I had thought of taking a photo of my arm, but I wouldn't want to scare you! It looks like someone beat me with a crowbar! So instead I found a few photos from our visit to Jolly Farmer two weeks ago - enjoy the Christmas blooms - they are much more attractive!
By far!
Yes I am frustrated. My red quilt is waiting. All 20 blocks are done, it's up on the design wall and lookin' good. But I can't go any further until I cut some more sashing strips. And I can't do any rotary cutting, it hurts too much. I can't sew on something else as I can't lift my right
arm. I can't do any baking. I can't even "do" my hair!! Arrrggghhhhhhh!!!!! I still have shopping to do..

have done some cross-stitching, as that IS manageable, sitting on the couch and keeping my right arm against my body. I finished a small piece today and took it to my framer (hat covering head.. lol) I promise a pic when I get it back.
So no doubt there will be some things this Christmas that just don't get done. No worries, everyone will understand, I hope. Dear daughter will be home in a few more days, so she'll be put to work helping out. I do have a good part of the decorating done... Cards and letters are next. The keyboard is easier now than it was a few days ago.... I pray each night for patience.... I AM
very grateful it was not worse- I could have broken bones...
Stay tuned, and be patient with me... Gotta go "ice" my shoulder before bed...
"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." Eminem