It's here again..that day when everyone claims they are Irish, whether 'tis true or not. The day when we celebrate the
green... what a wonderful color it is, and oh how I'm longing to see more of it.. we still have snow-covered ground, but the snow IS going down.. (not fast enough). I know some of my bulbs are starting to poke up because I can see small raised areas where they are pushing up under their cover of leaves. It's still too cold at night to uncover them...but maybe in another week or two... It's so nice to see the days getting longer. Spring is not far off now... I know that for sure as hubby has started shoveling snow off the lawn and ont

o the driveway to melt in the sun. He can't wait to get at that lawn.... raking, trimming, mowing.... he's longing for the
green too! Since I don't have forty shades of green to enjoy outside, I'll have to content myself with green threads...sigh....
Wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's Day, and if you are reading this from somewhere where you can see
green, enjoy it for me too! :) I'll leave you with this Irish Friendship Wish below...
May there always be work for your hands to do
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Got to love those Maxine cartoons. Too cute. Happy St. Patricks Day! Gail M.
Hehe brilliant cartoon - so true. And I liked reading about your Japanese penpal - it would be great if you could catch up with her again someday...the world has become a much smaller place.
Yes, ButtonMad, I've often wondered if I could ever track her down. It certainly would be much more difficult now, I expect...
I love your butons, have seen them at a nearby shop (River Gallery)
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