So I did a little walk around my gardens this afternoon... It's surprising what is still blooming, although most things are past their best and starting to look pretty bedraggled. Certainly my hanging pots and planters are beyond their best... But I still have sweet peas, snapdragons, and snakeroot, rudbeckia, zinnias, and coneflower, nasturtiums, osteospurmum, Japanese anemones and fall asters.... enough for one last bouquet. So, my dear readers, a bouquet to all of you! Thanks for following along with me...
"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each." ~ Henry David Thoreau
What a beautiful little bouquet! I too can't believe how quick fall came on. It seems one day I was sweating in heat, and then the next day I'm wearing long sleeves. Gesh.
I loved seeing your newest mini. Wow, it's so darn small. What a beauty.
Love the boquet of flowers. Fall is definitely upon us today in the Maritimes. Soon be time to put the sandals away. Lucy
Thanks for the bouquet. I am also regretting the end of summer and garden time. Can't believe that I didn't get the chance to look at your piece up close the other night. Not sure where my brain was. Linda G
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