November 11. Remembrance Day. Veterans Day. Armistice Day. Whatever

you call it the purpose is the same: to remember those who fought and died so that we could be free, and to honor those who survived. I found this little poem on the Internet (no mention of the author) and I like it's message. As you remember the fallen today, take a moment to also think of the veterans who are still with us, and say a prayer for those who are currently serving overseas in Afghanistan, or as peacekeepers elsewhere.
They Survived
When you pin that poppy on,
And remember those who died,
Remember too, the men who fought
Beside them, and survived.
They came home to start again
But struggled with their mind
To forget the horror of the days
And the Hell they left behind.
Wounded though they did not bleed
They cried for close friends lost,
But fought on bravely, for they knew
Freedom was worth the cost.
Though they are old and scarred for life,
They suffered for us all,
And in their dreams, the battles rage
And fallen comrades call.
So, when you hear that honor roll
The names of those who died,
Remember too the men who fought
Beside them, and survived.
Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory. ~ George Patton