STITCH LINES...... Ramblings on life as a quilter, stitcher, traveler, photographer, gardener and lover of books, cats and fine chocolate....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Apple Jelly...Mmmmmmmm...

I was busy this weekend, finishing a double batch of jelly! Isn't it pretty? This is my Grandmother Kelly's recipe for Spiced Apple Jelly. It's a family favourite; we eat it with roasted chicken or turkey. In fact, we just can't have the chicken unless we have the jelly to go with it!! So, since we ran out of jelly a few months ago, I knew I had to make a good big batch this fall. I give some to my brothers as well. I use a combination of apples and crabapples, and make an apple pie or two at the same time, so I can throw in the skins and seeds from the Gravensteins too for lots of natural pectin.

I didn't get my usual pickling done this summer, but sure am glad I got my jelly done! It gives me such a sense of accomplishment to carry those 48 jars down to the cold room.... :)

I love the fall with its rosy apples hanging on the trees. I guess since my Dad was an apple farmer, they hold a special place in my heart. I cherish memories of apple-picking outings with my children when they were small. They each learned the cutest verse when they were in pre-school; I can still see them doing it with the actions:
Way up there in the apple tree, (pointing way up)
Two little apples smiled at me. (making smiley faces)
So I shook that tree
As hard as I could. (Shaking motion)
Down came the apples. (falling motion with hands)
Mmmm , they were good!! (rubbing tummy)

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple; only God can count the apples in a seed..


Linda G said...

That jelly looks and sounds great. Glad that I am able to access your blog again.

GailM. said...

What a wonderful color and it looks so clear. Only one who has made apple jelly before knows how hard it is to get clear jelly. I've never had jelly on chicken. That's different. That poem is cute.

There's still time to make pickles. I saw bags of small cukes at the vegetable stand this weekend. I decided not to make any this year and use up what I have from last year. But when I saw they still had bags of cukes and all the fixins, I stood there in the stand and contemplated buying the stuff and making a batch. But again I decided that I'd better not.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pink jelly. Any chance the secret Kelly recipe could be available! I haven't made crabapple jelly in a few years. Just looking at all those jars makes me want to make my own. What an accomplishment for sure! LB

Karen said...

I remember helping my Gram make apple jelly when I was little. Instead of "Mason", her jars said "Jem" and "Jewel" on the front. I thought those were odd names for bottles...until I saw the jelly on her windowsill much like in your picture above. I'm sure that's why they were so named.
Your photographs are so wonderful, Linda.
Karen N

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