As I started this post this morning, it was snowing, yet again. (Insert sad discouraged face here.) Our ground is still covered, although there are some bare batches appearing at the base of trees and along the driveway edge. I am so very ready for some significant signs of spring to arrive. Those of you who are enjoying spring, please send it our way. I just
had to change my header, I couldn't stand looking at the wintery photos any longer!
So to appease myself, today's post will feature lots of green, and some Florida blooms. Although we spent a lot of time indoors at the quilt show, and shopping throughout the week, of course we had some outdoor time too to soak up some Vitamin D and enjoy "nature."
We visited a wonderful exhibit ("Our Body, The Universe Within") at the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium. Photos were not allowed, but I strongly encourage you to see this amazing exhibit if it ever comes to your area, if you are interested in the human body and how it functions. From the publicity website: "OUR BODY: THE UNIVERSE WITHIN is a fascinating, artful and educational exhibit consisting of actual human bodies and organs. Appropriate for all ages, this exhibit literally goes "under the skin" revealing the mysteries of the human anatomy. The bodies, specimens and organs have been preserved using a process known as polymer impregnation."
We both thoroughly enjoyed it.
At entrance of South Florida Science Center in West Palm Beach |
Of course we took a stroll through the aquarium as well. I love aquariums so wasn't going to miss this chance. Good photos were not easy to acquire as of course the fish haven't been trained to stop swimming and "pose".. haha
I did manage to get one good shot of Mr. Lionfish. He was so beautiful to watch, with all his fan-like "plumage"....
And these two fellows were happy to pose...
Aren't they cute? Who would like a baby 'gator?
Okay, enough of the "Florida wildlife"... let's move on to some green....
When one is a gardener, winter "here in the north" is far too long. It just does my heart and soul good to be able to have a few days of sunshine, warmth and GREEN to "tide me over" until we see spring arrive. I so enjoy the gardens and blooms, the trees and the palms... Let's go take a walk around Sandi's front and back yard....
Banana trees, mandavilla, bougainvillea, hibiscus, split-leaf philodendron, ti plant, and several which I cannot identify... yes, it's a beautiful spot...
Not to mention the trees and the river..... which will have to wait for another day. It is late and I must get my beauty sleep...
"Stop, take a moment, look around you and appreciate the beauty in your life."
~ Gail Lynne Goodwin