(Did you celebrate in style last night? We had a quiet night at home, but we did see some fireworks. We have a new neighbour who runs a fireworks business, he does all the "events" in the city. When Canada won the hockey game last night (World Juniors) he set off an impressive little display right from his backyard, which we have the perfect view of, at the front of our house! How nice!!)

Speaking of new beginnings, look what I have to look forward to. Two buds on a new Amaryllis - looks quite red for what was supposed to be a pink one (!) but we'll see. And my orchid has TWO new stems with a total of 18 buds!! So at least we're going to have some color here in January!!

The view outdoors is not so pretty right now- the ground is bare and ranges from green to brown depending on where you look. We had heavy rains on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so most of the snow was taken. However we have a weekend storm coming with a forecast of 6" of snow, so things will look fresh and clean after that. I much prefer snow to bare ground at this time of year. Give me white over bare ground anyday, in the winter. The snow insulates my perennial beds and makes the house feel warmer too. However if we're still looking at a lot of white come April, as we were last year.... well now, that's a different story... But we won't think about that right now, okay?
Santa must have thought I was a pretty good girl, as he brought me an Ipad!! I'm not the quickest learner when it comes to technology so I've been slowly trying to learn all the ins and outs of the Ipad.... (yet another "distraction" that has kept me away from blogging!) There's a steep learning curve for me, I'm afraid... One thing I'm really looking forward to is playing with that Waterlogue app....can't wait!!
So dear friends and readers, as we start another journey around the sun, I want to thank you for reading, commenting, following, or just occasionally dropping by to see what's happening here. I sincerely appreciate your visits and comments, and your friendship; I hope you'll hang with me for a while yet. You'll have to forgive my occasional silences, when life takes me elsewhere, I know you'll understand.
"The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!"
~ Edward Payson Powell
I personally hope that 2015 is kinder than 2014. I'm with you in looking ahead . I love my ipad though there is definitely a learning curve if you are over 30. Did anyone teach you how to take a screen shot? A screen shot is actually saving the page to your photos. You press the on/off button at the same time as you depress the little round depression button at the bottom of the ipad. You will hear a "click" and the page is in your photos. That is one of my favorite things! Happy New Year and don't beat yourself up about taking time out for you! Hugs!
Linda, I so agree and am wishing for a much better 2015. It has to get better right?
Your flowers will be such a winter boost when they fully open. Hope you show them.
We are totally white today about 6" of fluffy white fell last night and this morning.
Oh, Linda, I backpedaled to see what was going on and read about your father-in-law. I am so sorry for your family's loss. Such things, in sharp contrast to the celebrations, seem much more difficult over the holidays. I'm with you! On to a better, brighter year ahead.
Linda, you've done well this past year considering all you've been through. Here's hoping this new year will be much better and kinder to us both. I hope we just get snow on Sunday and not the freezing rain or ice pellets that may come with it. I'm waiting for the PEI tulips to come into the grocery stores in the next few weeks. They always brighten up the winter. Here's to a great year ahead. Hugs. Pam
Cheers to good beginnings that will continue this year!
Taking a blogging break can be refreshing and we shouldn't feel obligated to this aspect of social media.
I just happened to glance at one of the comments telling you how to do a screen shot on the iPad - I didn't know that! I know how to do it on my MacBook.
Have fun with Waterlogue when you start playing with it.
Happy New year.
Thank you, Linda, for so many things.
I hope your 2015 will be a happier year than 2014!
Hugs! ♥
Happy New Year Linda. I hope 2015 is a better year for you. It will be, I know.
Congrats on your ipad. My husband loves his. We use it lots to facetime with the kids. Such a great way to stay connected while we are away.
I installed waterlogue on it, and it's such a nice app. Actually it's very simple, you'll have no problem using it. You have tons of pictures to work with.
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