Do you have favourite trees? I have two favourite trees on our property, this Horse Chestnut and the maple on our front lawn. There are several other trees in the city that I love too- I keep an eye on them all year long and enjoy their seasonal changes. There is just something about a beautifully shaped tree.... Sigh.... I was doing some reading on Horse Chestnut trees the other day, and did not know that the"fruit" of this tree is not a "real" chestnut. Not the kind from the famous song "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...." The "nuts" from this tree are actually called conkers, and they are slightly poisonous if ingested. The squirrels have a great time burying them in the fall so I never know where I'll find a tiny new tree sprouting up come spring.. I found two in a flower bed a few weeks ago, so I potted them up - any takers?

I don't have a great lot in bloom in the flowerbeds yet, but I did snap a few quick pics today as I circled the house. Very nearby the Horse Chestnut is my Solomon's Seal - although it is often thought of as a woodland plant, it is doing very well in my garden. I have a good sized clump and it's slowly spreading each year. I love the little bell-shaped flowers which hang down from the arching stems.

Also close to the Horse Chestnut is my little "crop" of forget-me-nots. I think they are such a darling little flower. So dainty -
when I was small I used to imagine fairies wearing them for hats. They are such a lovely shade of blue... ( of course you know I love any shade of blue)

My Bleeding Hearts are in full bloom now, I have both white and pink... and the hostas are growing like crazy. In less than a week they have gone from just shoots to fully open. How can one small plant produce SO many huge leaves so quickly...

The alliums just started opening yesterday. The heads do not seem to be as big this year.. perhaps I've been a bit neglectful on the fertilizer and bone meal the last few years... once the foliage dies away, I forget they are there! Shame on me!
Well I think that's enough for tonight. You are probably thinking "Will this woman ever stop showing us her garden photos?!" You see, I have no quilting, sewing or stitching to show you lately, so this is all I have to offer!! ha!
I will likely be taking a bit of a break from blogging over the next few days. I am off to Quilt Canada, and although I'm sure I'll be taking many many quilt photos, I doubt I will have the chance to blog. But I promise- lots of pics when I get back! Have a great week, everyone!
If you would have a mind at peace, a heart that cannot harden, go find a door that opens wide upon a lovely garden. ~ French Proverb