STITCH LINES...... Ramblings on life as a quilter, stitcher, traveler, photographer, gardener and lover of books, cats and fine chocolate....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April Showers bring spring flowers....

I can't believe it's a whole week since I last posted. The days fly by... I've been busy but just nothing much to tell you about. I am now done teaching for this term.. Woohoo! Did my last out of town class on Saturday up in Grand Falls for the Gorge Quilters' Guild. Thanks gals, for a great day!
After several days of much needed rain, things are greening up and spring flowers are appearing. My crocuses are nearly done, and the daffodils, chionodoxa and scilla are now in full bloom. They've taken a beating with the heavy rains but I hope to get more photos tomorrow....  
  I guess there is a little exciting news. Dear daughter has won a Canadian Military Journalism Scholarship - she is one of twelve Journalism students from across Canada chosen to attend a course in Alberta this spring. The course is designed to introduce prospective journalists to the Canadian Forces and issues involved in covering the Canadian military in the new millennium, and takes place in a mixture of classroom and field settings. It will certainly be excellent training, exposing her to a wide variety of situations and experiences similar to what a foreign  correspondent would find in Afghanistan or other areas of deployment. Who knows where the future will take her...  (hopefully NOT to work as a Foreign Correspondent!) She's happy to be finished her exams, and has four of her six marks back already (all excellent - smile...). Today she was pretty pleased to see one of her stories published in our local newspaper, with cut line and all... Yup, I'm one proud Mama bear...
Next up.. my TAST for this past week...


Children are the flowers in the garden of life.


Karen said...

BIG congrats to Laura. She has a lot of accomplishments under her belt for such a young lady. She must have had a good mother, huh? :)

Wendy said...

How exciting for Laura! How special for Mom! Your flowers are gorgeous!

JennyPennyPoppy said...

Lovely flower pictures and congratulations on your daughter winning a scholarship! I have yet to tackle the wheat ear stitch but hope to this evening.

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