Yes, I AM still here... no doubt you've been wondering... I haven't been in blogdom much lately, life has been keeping me incredibly busy. But I'm finally starting to see the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel.." Guild is finished for the year, except for one last Executive meeting. I finished a large (very time consuming) project for our last meeting, sadly I cannot show it to you for a while. But you WILL see it eventually. I'm done teaching classes now until fall. That's a huge check on the Done List! Choir is finished, concert is over, music passed in. Another big check. Cancer canvassing is done, money passed in. Check. (Can you tell I love crossing things off a list?!)
The big thing looming now is getting all the outdoor work caught up... there is always so much to do in the spring. Several of my perennial beds really need some serious attention. Some perennials need to be dug and split, a job which often requires some of hubby's muscle. I did manage to get him to cut some chunks off a few well established hostas for a neighbour/new gardening friend. So that's one job on his "Honey-Do" list completed. It takes a sharp shovel and
his weight to drive the shovel through the mature plants, I cannot do it... I have lots more to do this coming week, bulbs to start, seeds to plant, top-dressing to do with compost, some plants to re-locate, not to mention weeding...
why oh why do the weeds always grow so much faster than the plants??? Then there's the vegetable garden to get tilled and planted... The list goes on and on... A gardener's work is never done... but I love it. It's such a wonderful and rewarding hobby... Here's what's been blooming lately...
From left to right, beginning with top row: Chionodoxa, double daffodils, scilla (squill), tulip, purple violets, Solomon's seal, muscari (grape hyacinth), tulip, pulmonaria (lungwort).
I have lots of jobs to cross off the list this coming week, but I promise there
will be a few (likely brief) blog posts. Stay tuned...
"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."
~ Edwin Way Teale