I'm still looking for my blogging mojo. I seem to have lost it. Every blogger knows that the longer you're away from blogging, the harder it is to get back to it... I am trying... thanks for your patience!
It hasn't been the best fall. Too much illness, too many deaths, too much unrest in the world... I've never liked November, as it ushers in the winter, my least favourite season... shorter days, less sunshine, colder temps, little colour other than brown and grey. Yuch. But it's here, whether I like it or not. Gotta move on...
My fall classes are finished, nothing now on my teaching schedule until the new year. So the only "busy-ness" I have to deal with now is self-imposed. Christmas is fast approaching, so I'm chipping away at it... I have so much from the past few months to share with you, I hardly know where to start. But since I'm trying to get myself into the Christmas spirit, how's about we start with something red?

My latest miniature is called Raspberry Pie (since I was finishing it up during our prolific raspberry harvest in August.) The finished overall size is 12.25" square, and the 2.25" blocks have 49 pieces each. 796 pieces in total, made almost entirely from small scraps. The design is an old traditional one known as Pineapple, a Log Cabin variation. It is machine quilted, very simply, as is always the best choice for a miniature as it is so easy to distort small pieces with over-quilting. I prefer it hung on point, although it can be hung straight as well.
Detail shot with my seam ripper for size reference. My seam ripper is 4" tip to tip...
Sadly reds don't seem to photograph well... there is lots of variance in the shades of red which doesn't show well here.
I entered it in the KV Guild's annual show in September and was thrilled to win a first place ribbon in the Small Traditional category. And look - the ribbon matches the quilt! How cool is that?! :)
We had our first snowfall yesterday, not as much as was forecast, which is fine with me. It is melting and I expect it will be gone by tomorrow, also fine with me. Not looking forward to winter, at all. What about you? Are you eagerly awaiting the winter season and the snow?
“In November, the earth is growing quiet. It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers and small creatures. The bed is white and silent, and much life can hide beneath its blankets.”
~ Cynthis Rylant, In November