Things are finally taking shape around here and I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. My vegetable garden is all planted and coming up - lettuce, spinach, beets and peas are poking through, the beans and carrots are taking their sweet ole time. The tomato and cucumber plants seem to be taking hold, putting down roots. I start my gladiola bulbs in flats, and they are all sprouted now, and growing lovely roots so in a few more days they'll go in the last garden row and that job will be complete. Except for the weeding and watering, of course...
My bedding plants are all in now too, as of today. I always feel like giving a huge Whoop!Whoop! when the planting is done, done, DONE.
I have also solved my camera problem.
(It's about time!) I bought a new camera body today. When the same problem reared its ugly head yet again on the weekend, I knew it
had to be the camera and not the memory cards. When the camera and I went crashing to the cobblestones last July in Prague, it obviously DID do some damage; I guess I'm lucky to have squeezed almost an entire year out of it after that disaster...
So I pondered whether to upgrade or simply replace, whether to switch makes... In the end I got a good deal on a new Pentax body, not the newest model, but newer than my previous one. It is slightly smaller and lighter (only slightly), has a larger display screen, more megapixels, and has video capability, so that will be fun to play with. Now I just have to work my way through the 328 page Operating Manual.... :(
I brought my new baby home this
afternoon and snapped a few quick shots around the front of the house to try her out. The rhododendron is in full bloom right now (and lookin' maaaahvelous darling!) and the hostas are looking great too, so here's a look at the first photos out of my new Pentax K7. This rhodo is just over six feet tall. It's hard to believe that just a few short months ago, the snow was up to about the five foot point on this bush.

"All that in this delightful garden grows,
Should happy be, and have immortal bliss."
~ Edmund Spencer